LJBD-classic 是电磁驱动的薄层状间断喷射微包囊制备仪器,该型号为单喷头,能产生的珠子大小在0.1-1.4mm之间,并根据实验材料的不同,有三种泵可选(注射泵、齿轮泵以及蠕动泵),以满足不同客户的需求!专业级设计可配置用户需求的两个泵同时工作
Normally the microencapsulation process performs with a frequency between 160 and 300 Hz. In some cases you are forced to increase the frequency for process development reasons. The higher the frequency the higher the unwanted Coalescence and polydisperse beads. Scope of supply is the air jet device to overcome the problem (see drawing). The drops are accelerated at the height of formation (where the jet breaks up into beads).
The higher the viscosity of the matrix the longer it takes (from the nozzle) until the jet breaks. To optimise the distance, we provide three different air jet devices to be used, depending on the matrix proprieties.
Three pieces in peek are our scope of supply.
PDF Download: http://www.equl.cn/downloads/products/nisco/weibaonang1.pdf
Encapsulation Operation